Words of Wisdom
It Is Okay to Ask For Help
When you feel stressed or overwhelmed, take the opportunity with your child to visit people whose wisdom you value. Together, talk about the positives and the challenges of everyday life.
Tip: Model for your child how to ask for help or advice. You can also show how you give back to those who have helped you.
Why is this important?
Connecting with supportive people you value is important, as they can offer valuable insights, different perspectives, and emotional support
Reference: Pressman, S. D., Kraft, T. L., & Cross, M. P. (2015). It’s good to do good and receive good: The impact of a ‘pay it forward’ style kindness intervention on giver and receiver well-being. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 10(4), 293–302. https://doi-org.uwinnipeg.idm.oclc.org/10.1080/17439760.2014.965269