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Play Store
Playing with Food


Pretend to buy or sell food items. Talk about where items belong and what they are used for. 

Tip: We use milk to make hot chocolate on a cold day and put it in our cereal at breakfast. Keep the milk in the fridge so it does not go bad. 



Save empty food containers to create your own play-store. Organize items as you would find them in the store. 

Tip: Use cereal boxes, jars, cartons, bottles. Name items and their category. Example: The milk and sour cream belong together, but the pickles and cereal do not. 



Talk about where different foods come from and how they are produced. 

Tip: Where do fresh fruits come from in the winter? Which fruits are in season at different times of year? Who brings food to the store?

Why is this important?


 Learning through experiences and play is a way to introduce new words, ideas, and solidify existing ones.

Reference: Nair, S. M., Yusof, N. M., & Arumugam, L. (2014). The Effects of Using the Play Method to Enhance the Mastery of Vocabulary among Preschool Children. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 116, 3976-3982

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