H is for Hockey
Rink Reading!
Find all the letter H’s around. Say the H sound. Make an H with your hands.
Tip: The letter H could be at the beginning, middle or end of a word.
Name objects starting with the letter H. Practice letter sounds.
Tip: hockey, head, helmet, hat, hand, handshake, home, heel, hair, high-sticking, hat-trick
Search for printed words around the rink. Practice letter sounds.
Tip: “I spy a word that starts with H.” Look for printed words around you.
Why is this important?
Naming letters and knowing their sounds helps with learning to read.
Reference: Thompson, J. A., & Sonnenschein, S. (2016). Full-day kindergarten and children’s later reading: The role of early word reading. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 42, 58–70. https://j.appdev.2015.11.005