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Creative Calendar
 Numbers on the Calendar 


Find a free calendar for the New Year- or make one for the month.

Tip: Talk about days of the week and calendar numbers. 



Find or make a calendar. Talk about weekdays, months; read numbers in order. 

Tip: Cross off each day as it passes. “What number will come tomorrow?” “What is the largest number?”



 Find or make a calendar. Locate special days (birthdays, holidays, events).

Tip: Count in different ways by days, weeks or months. “How many days until your birthday?” “How many school days do you have this month?” “How many days until Friday the 23rd?”

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Why is this important?


Calendars can be used to talk about numbers every day.

Reference: Ethridge, E., & King, J. R. (2005). Calendar Math in Preschool and Primary Classrooms: Questioning the Curriculum. Early Childhood Education Journal, 32(5), 291–296.

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