Climate Activities
We are thrilled to have partnered with the Prairie Climate Centre to bring you engaging activities that promote wellness for the Earth through sustainability. Together, we have created a series of activities to connect you and your children with nature while fostering a deeper understanding of climate issues. Through these activities, explore ways of leading a more sustainable life!

Wellness for the Earth Activities
Sustainability is making sure we have what we need, while making sure that our choices and actions allow people in the future to have what they need too. The three pillars of sustainability are: the environmental pillar (our earth and the plants and animals living on it), the social pillar (the people around us like our family, friends, and neighbours), and the economic pillar (having enough money and knowing how to spend it). When we aim for sustainability, we help ourselves, and help others and the environment at the same time. Learning about sustainability, and how to be sustainable allows us to learn about, respect, and help the things and people around us.
Reference: Spearman, Mindy. “Teaching Young Learners about Sustainability.” Childhood Education., vol. 88, no. 6, 2012, pp. 354–59. https://doi-org.uml.idm.oclc.org/10.1080/00094056.2012.741476

Indigenous Wellness for the Earth
Pimachihowin and Aki in the Indigenous languages Cree and Anishinaabemowin, are words that explain life and the things around us, reminding us that we and the land are interconnected. In the Cree language the word "Pimachihowin" means life, survival, intentional action, or all beings that that are part of life; this includes people, animals, spirits, nature, artifacts, instruments and tools. While in Anishinaabemowin, "Pimachiowin" means the good life and "Aki" means the land and all its inhabitants, when these words are put together "Pimachiowin Aki" means the land that gives. These words in both Cree and Anishinaabemowin explain that the land we live on needs to be respected and cared for because the land provides for us.

References:Goulet, L. M. & Goulet, K. N. (2014). Teaching each other: Nehinuw concepts & Indigenous pedagogies. Vancouver, BC, Canada: UBC Press. Heritage Matters E-Magazine. (n.d.) Heritage Matters - Pimachiowin Aki - Canada’s Newest World Heritage Site. Heritage Matters. https://www.heritage-matters.ca/articles/pimachiowin-aki-canadas-newest-world-heritage-site